Friday, 19 February 2010

6/50: Fishing, Jam Donut

This week I am ill. Not only does this mean I'm not able to get on with any of the more active components of my calorie offsetting mission, I also am unable to do any of the other things I should otherwise be doing. Not only does this suck, I'm also ill. It's a horrible vicious circle, and in order to break out of it, I have decided to use my time sat on the sofa doing nothing more productively - that is, complete another of my hilarious tasks.

Now, you may wonder how it is that I've managed to go fishing from the comfort of a couch/duvet combo, but the answer is of course, thanks to Nintendo. Wii Play features what I am assured is a highly realistic fishing simulator, complete with lifting the rod when you've got a bite, and fish of different levels of jumpiness and quickness to bite (which are, conveniently, different colours). 75 minutes of fishing is required to offset one jam doughnut (which my lovely boyfriend will be bringing home with him, because he's nice like that), and I can tell you 75 minutes is a very long time in fishing. Not only have I mastered the art, I have also attained a high score of nearly 3000, and obtained the bronze, silver, gold AND platinum medals (somehow, even though I'm the only one playing).

Hopefully normal service will resume next week, at which point I'll feel better and will attempt one of what people are referring to as 'the big ones', i.e. something which will involve more considerable time/expense/effort/embarassment than any of the tasks I've done so far. People have been questioning my commitment. They will see.

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